The Local authorities have set out the new restrictions for us to adhere to across Aragón in the Official State Bulletin published this morning, Monday 19th October 2020. The Ministers of the Presidency and Health, Mayte Pérez and Sira Repollés respectively, announced at the press conference the agreements adopted after the significant increase in coronavirus cases in Aragon in recent days.
As expected it is a combination of existing measures and adaptations of the national policy options being prepared in Madrid. The brief summary image being circulated by Aragón Government gives an overview of the situation, but we will dive deep into the new restrictions and how they impact life under various headings.
According to decree-law 7/2020, of October 19, of the Government of Aragon the measures that come into force this Tuesday.
Important headline take aways to note are that masks must be worn when eating or drinking and can only be lowered during the act of consumption.
Social gathering limits in both private and public environments is limited to 6 people.
Capacity for almost all establishments of all types has been pegged to 50%.
Travel outwith the city of Zaragoza is currently permitted but we have been warned that the authorities are very close to imposing a "perimeter confinement" on the city and the legislation states this can be imposed for 30 days before renewal. This policy will be reviewed on a weekly basis on every Monday.
Social gatherings
The social gatherings referred to in article 9 of this Decree-Law may not
exceed six people, except in the case of cohabiting people. This applies whether in public or private space.
Operating hours may not exceed 23:00, with the exception of home delivery services.
The maximum capacity for consumption inside establishments will be 50%.
The bars may be used by consumers exclusively for orders and to collect your drink.
Consumption will always be seated at tables, both indoors and on terraces.
The maximum capacity on the terraces will be 50% of the maximum authorized. For the purposes of this Decree-Law, terraces are considered to be those arranged on the outside, with or without an awning, and with a maximum of up to two side faces. Groups of tables, inside and on terraces, may not exceed six people, with social distancing of 1.5 meters between chairs on opposing tables. The use of the mask will be mandatory at all times, except when
consuming your beverage or food.
Nightlife activities are prohibited. With the exception of hospitality activities, such as restaurants or bars, which are authorized via their municipal license. The maximum capacity in gaming and betting establishments will be 50% of the maximum authorized capacity. These establishments must close at 23.00.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages
Collective or group consumption of drinks on the street or in other public spaces such as hospitality or similar establishments is totally prohibited.
The sale of alcohol is prohibited between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. in all types of retail establishments, regardless of the license with which they operate.
Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms etc.
The concentration of people at funerals and wakes is restricted to 25 people in open spaces and 15 in closed spaces. The entourage may not exceed 25 people.
The nuptial celebrations, communions, baptisms, confirmations and other social, family, religious or civil celebrations or other meeting groups, which may take place after the ceremony, in hotel and restaurant establishments will respect the general measures of interpersonal security, and in all case, the separation of 1.5 meters, not exceeding in any case, 20 people inside and 35 outside. The use of dance floors or space enabled for their use will not be allowed.
Smoking on the street
Smoking may not be allowed on public roads or in outdoor spaces when a minimum interpersonal distance of at least two meters cannot be respected. This limitation extends to the use of any other tobacco inhalation device, such as water pipes, hookahs, vaping devices, or the like.
Academies, driving schools and non-regulated educational centres and training centres.
Activity in academies, driving schools, non-regulated education centres and training centres may be taught in person as long as it does not exceed 50% of the maximum allowed capacity and the distance of 1.5 meters between people is maintained.
Congress and business meetings
The maximum number of attendees for congresses, meetings, business meetings, conferences, events and the like will be 20 people. Remote meetings are recommended.
Sports events and competitions will be held without the public, with the exception of people who
necessarily accompany athletes or players for reasons of age or any other that requires it.
The maximum capacity in closed sports facilities and centres will be 50% of its maximum authorized capacity, guaranteeing interpersonal distance and adequate ventilation. In the event that it is not possible to guarantee interpersonal distance or adequate ventilation, they must remain closed.
In all cases, the use of changing rooms, showers and fountains is prohibited.
Groups to carry out directed physical-sports activities, in closed spaces will have a maximum
participation of six people. Essential use of masks in access and transit areas of facilities.
Outdoor parks
The parks and outdoor recreation areas will remain open with the appropriate prevention and individual protection measures. In any case, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited and adequate surveillance must be maintained to verify that the established limitations are met. The city councils may establish opening and closing times. In these cases, it is recommended to plan a schedule from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in playgrounds.
Indoor pools
The maximum capacity of the outdoor or covered swimming pools and the bathing areas for recreational use will be 50% of the maximum capacity both in terms of access and recreational practice. Changing rooms are allowed, but not showers or water fountains.
Face masks
People aged six years and over will be obliged to use a mask on public roads, in outdoor spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public, regardless of the maintenance of social distancing of at least one and a half meters. However, a mask will not be required for people who have some type of disease or respiratory difficulty that may be aggravated by its use or who, due to their disability or dependency, do not have the autonomy to remove the mask, or have behavioural conditions that make use impractical .
Face masks are also not required in the case of individual outdoor sports practice, or in cases
when, due to the nature of the activities, the use of the mask is incompatible, in accordance with the indications from the health authorities.
Public Transport
Public transport capacity will be reduced to 75% capacity and all occupants must be seated.(Note: we are seeing clarification on this concept of everyone being seated as this sounds highly impractical and does not really sit with the capacity being maintained at 75%).
Private Transport
In private and complementary private transport of people in vehicles with up to nine seats, including the driver, when not all of them live together in the same address, two people may be seated on each row of seats.
Commercial activity:
We have set out the detail for the various headings expressed in the law but the primary headline information is capacity is reduced to 50%. Food consumption during shows is prohibited and people will not be permitted to loiter in communal areas.
The maximum capacity in establishments and retail stores and professional services open to the public will be 50% of its maximum allowed capacity.
In establishments such as hypermarkets, medium and large surfaces, centres and commercial parks the following standards must be adhered to:
1. In hypermarkets, 50% maximum capacity
2. Use of common seating areas, including areas of rest is prohibited
3. Recreational areas, such as playgrounds or similar, will be closed.
4. Hotel and restaurant activity taking place in common areas will be governed, by the rules established for the hotel and catering business.
In markets that carry out their activity on public roads, outdoors or for non-sedentary sales, known as flea markets, the stalls must be frontally separated by a transit route that will mark the flow of users and guarantee that the social distance of at least 1.5 meters between the users can be met. The number of stalls will be reduced to 50%. The venue will have a clearly differentiated entry and exit area.
Cinemas, theatres
The activities of cinemas, theatres, auditoriums, tent circuses and the like, as well as open-air venues, and other similar venues and establishments for public shows, recreational or leisure activities may take place with pre-assigned seats provided that does not exceed 50% of the maximum authorized capacity. The consumption of food is prohibited during the celebration of these shows or activities. Activities that take place in outdoor venues, and other similar venues and establishments for public performances, activities recreational or leisure activities may not exceed 50% of the maximum capacity allowed, with a maximum of 300 people.
Museums and exhibition halls
The maximum capacity of museums and exhibition halls, or of the activities carried out in them, will be 50% of the maximum authorized capacity. There will be no openings or social events. The visits or guided activities will be carried out in groups of six people. Measures will be established to avoid crowds and maintain social distancing.
Libraries, play centres (Ludotecas)
Libraries may not exceed 50% of their maximum capacity and the distance of 1.5 meters between people. The use of telephone services by users will be promoted.
The maximum capacity of youth leisure centres, play centres, recreational centres and the like will be 50% of the maximum authorized capacity.
Places of worship
The maximum capacity in places of worship will be 50% of its maximum capacity. Singing is prohibited.
Common areas in accommodation
The opening of common areas in hotels, student residences and other accommodation, including dining rooms where shifts can be held, will be limited to 50%
Tourist guide activities will be arranged, preferably, by prior appointment and groups will be of a maximum of six people, excluding the guide. During the activity, traffic through areas or places likely to generate gatherings of people will be avoided. Active tourism and nature outings will also be allowed for groups of six people, also by prior reservation with companies or professional guides.
Perimeter Quarantines/Confinements
As for possible perimeter closures in Aragon, they can be imposed for a maximum of 30 days and will be assessed on the Monday of each week. Sira Repollés says "We are very close to establishing a perimeter confinement to the city of Zaragoza, which would be in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry." The Government of Aragon is also working on measures to compensate the sectors involved. The restrictions have been taken in accordance with the new parameters proposed by the Ministry of Health and which place Aragón at "extreme risk", along with other communities such as La Rioja , Castilla y León and Madrid.
Potential further restrictions:
These are the restrictions for level 2, a situation in which all of Aragon is now classified.
If these level 2 restrictions do not work in reducing case numbers, the Government of Aragon would decide to move to level 3, reducing the capacity to 25% , except in establishments that sell food, which would remain the same. Bars and restaurants would have to close at 10 pm, except for home delivery services, with a capacity maintained at 50%.
Weddings, burials and wakes etc, 15 people will be allowed in open spaces and 10 in closed spaces, with the limit of six people per table.
Non-professional sporting events would be suspended, youth leisure centres would be closed and congresses would be held remotely.