Future in the Past
Past Tense Index / Past Simple / Past Simple further functions / Irregular Verbs / Past Continuous / Past Continuous further functions / Past Simple or Past Continuous / Used to / Present Perfect / Present Perfect further functions / Present Perfect Continuous / Present Perfect Simple or Continuous / Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous / Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous / Future in the Past
We use different structures to talk about the future in the past:
WOULD + infinitive
WAS/WERE + GOING TO + infinitive

Future in the past is used to express the idea that in the past you thought something would happen in the future. It does not matter if you are correct or not.
"Would" is used to express an expectation or possibility, not necessarily a plan.
If the cinema is closed what will you do?
It is often used with verbs of thought (know, think, hope, suspect etc.) in the past simple
This structure can also be used to express something that is still true.
Was/were going to
"was going to" is used to describe a future plan or intention relative to the time of speaking.
This often used when the anticipated event did not actually happen.
Both forms can be used to make predictions about the future.

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Future in the past structures are not used with time clauses such as before, by the time, as soon as, after, unless. If you need a to make reference to time the Past Simple or Present SImple should be used depending on whether the future activity mentioned has happened or not.