Future Expressions
Future Forms Index / Future Forms / Will & Shall / Present Simple for Future / Future Expressions /
Further Future Forms / Future Continuous / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Continuous /
Expressions to talk about the future
There are some set expressions that we can use in English to talk about the future alongside the different structures.
Be to
A formal structure that has a variety of uses:
To give instructions or orders
He is to report to the Headmaster tomorrow morning
To refer to obligation
You are not to discuss this with anyone
To refer to a formal decision
Essential workers are to return to work on Monday
News Headlines. This structure is common to refer to events or decisions that are fixed. In keeping with the principles of Headline writing, the verb is often not used in interest of brevity
The Prime Minister is to announce closure of the borders (Prime Minister to announce closure of borders
Be due to
We use Be due to + INF to talk about scheduled or timetabled events like the Present Simple to talk about the future
The train is due to arrive at 10:30
Be about to/Be on the point of
We use Be about to + INF to talk about events we expect to happen very soon. Often used with Just for emphasis
The train is about to leave
They are just about to go to the cinema
We use Be on the point of + ING in the same way
The train is on the point of leaving
When using time expressions we use the present simple rather than be about to
The train leaves in five minutes
The train is about to leave in five minutes
More information about Present Simple to talk about scheduled events in the future here
Related Topics
Will, be going to & the present continuous
Future actions & intentions
Predictions about the future
Present Simple to talk about the future
A timetable/A schedule/A known fact/An arrangement