Future Continuous
Future Forms Index / Future Forms / Will & Shall / Present Simple for Future / Future Expressions /
Further Future Forms / Future Continuous / Future Perfect / Future Perfect Continuous /
The Future Continuous (or sometimes called the Future Progressive) is not technically a tense, there is no specific conjugation or declination. The structure is formed using a combination of the modal verb will and the infinitive of be followed by the gerund. It is often mistakenly described as Will + Present Continuous but because Will is a modal verb it must be followed by an infinitve. Be will always be formed of the infinitive and not change, unlike the present continuous.
The negative is formed on Will not Be
Subject + will + be + gerund + object
Subject + will not/won't + be + gerund + object
Will + subject + be + gerund + object?
It is possible to use Shall instead of we in more formal contexts, refer to the Will & Shall page for more details
We use this structure to talk about an activity or action which is expected to be happening at a moment in the future.
I will be singing in a concert tomorrow
It is also used for actions or activities which are expected to start in the future and continue for a length of time.
This time tomorrow I will be singing in the concert
The Future Continuous is only used with dynamic verbs
More information on stative and dynamic verbs here
Related topics
Using Stative and Dynamic verbs
Using Will & Shall
The Fundamental future forms in Englsh
Will, be going to & the present continuous
Future actions & intentions
Predictions about the future
Introduction to further forms to talk about the future:
Future Continuous (Will + be + gerund)
Future Perfect (Will + have + participle)
Future Perfect Continuous (Will + have + been + gerund)
Future in the past